About Hale Ho’okipa
Hale Ho’okipa or Hospitality House is a place of rest, refreshment and renewal. Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, we provide a week's retreat for Christian Pastors, and Missionaries (both couples and individuals) to decompress and recharge. Serving Jesus Christ is a great privilege, but sometimes His servants get weary and need some time away. We provide a safe place for leaders to share as well as time to have fun.
Perhaps you like adventurous activities such as stand up paddle boarding or snorkeling, hiking or Kona coffee tasting. Or perhaps you'd prefer to relax by reading a book on our lanai (patio). Or if you'd like to enjoy the trade winds in the cool of the afternoon by hanging in a hammock or simply a taking nap. Our home is designed to put you at ease and allow you to rest, replenish and recharge in whatever way works best.
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About Us
Rick Hann
Rick has served in pastoral ministry for over 45 years as Youth Pastor, Children’s Pastor, Associate Pastor, Interim Pastor, and Senior Pastor, Church Planter, and again as Senior Pastor for the past 22 years in the same church. He has pastored both in a large church and in a small church. He has mentored the staff under his leadership, developing teams that worked together as friends. He has served the EV Free Church in the Northern California area both as District Chairman and cluster leader.
Rick has walked through very difficult times and very blessed times of ministry. He knows the struggle and the joy of serving the church. It was during a sabbatical that God laid on his heart the ministry of encouraging younger leaders in ministry. The sabbatical was a great refreshment, but the missing piece was the opportunity to debrief and get wise counsel from others who have walked where he had walked. He is looking forward to helping the next generation of leaders thrive in ministry.
Rick is a graduate of Biola College and Talbot Seminary.
Janet Hann
Janet has been a ministry leader and a pastor’s wife for 42 years. She has an elementary teaching credential and she taught for many years before stepping into the role of Director of Children’s Ministry at Grace Church. Through the years, she’s also been involved in Young Mom’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry and continuing to care for other women in ministry. Just like many others, her ministry life has been filled with amazing examples of God’s love and times of deep pain, loneliness and exhaustion.
In Janet’s words, “Ministry wives have a special place in my heart. This role can be the most amazing and blessed place to be this side of Heaven, but because it is this side of Heaven, it can be painful, draining and lonely. I want to be a listening ear, a safe place, a friend and an encourager that God is still there and has a good plan.”
Rick & Janet have been blessed with two children. Both are married and actively involved in serving churches in Burbank, CA and Portland, OR.